Frequently Asked Questions
Below you will find answers to some of our most commonly asked questions!
Answers to your burning questions about Vetology, AI and our Teleradiology Services
How many years has Vetology been in business?
How accurate are Vetology’s evaluations compared to Radiology case reports?
Can the Vetology AI platform be used without Vetology teleradiology professional services?
How are AI Radiologist reports delivered?
How long does it take for the AI case evaluation report to be received?
Can the Vetology case evaluation be loaded into the clinic’s practice management software (PMS)?
Can the software look at a patient’s history and use its learning capabilities to provide an interpretation based on the animal’s health progression?
What type of connectivity exists between the LION software and the clinics practice management software?
When the LION Software pulls images, what patient information is captured?
Is my data in the same database with other customers?
What type of technology is used in the platform?
What is the American College of Veterinary Radiology (ACVR) opinion of leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning for radiograph reads?
Get connected
If you have more questions, or want to start a conversation, great! Our team is here for that!